Hey there!


So, you’ve stumbled upon my little corner of the internet – welcome!

Here’s a heads up: my brain is like a pinball machine, bouncing around from one random thought to another. Here I write down some of them.

If you’ve got some time to kill and nothing else on your plate, why not join me on this quirky journey through my posts? And do let me know your thoughts.

Here’s to the randomness of life!

Oh yes, before I forget, some of the posts are originally in Bengali, my mother tongue. If you wish, you can change the language from the menu.

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Why Heroes Fall

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A Ph.D. life in perspective

A Ph.D. student is a person amongst emotionally the most vulnerable section of the population, going through a most vulnerable training process for one of the most vulnerable career options, during the most vulnerable phase of his/her life. Let's try to understand what might go wrong with them.

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