– Listen, next month I’m shifting to a new place.
– Really? Finally got a place! What’s it like?
– Quite lovely. Right next to a vast sky! And beneath that sky stands a tall building. There, the sun goes to sleep every evening. All day, someone paints infinite stories on this canvas. Below that building lies a road. No, it doesn’t curve away into the horizon—where would you find such expanse in a grand city! But all afternoon, people of every hue walk that path. Some loveless, while others perhaps in search of a love like ours. They don’t even realize how many stories I weave about them!
– Oh, stop it! You’re going mad with descriptions! What about the place itself—is it furnished? Or do you need to buy tables, chairs, beds, everything again? Have you checked the kitchen? I know it comes with an oven, fridge. But a microwave and dishwasher are a must.
– You’re something else! Just reach out of the window and you can almost grab the whole world! Yet you fuss over such a tiny space like it’s a house of cards! You know, once you’re here, I’ll hire two stars to guard the night. They’ve agreed to take no salary. Moonlight will lull you to sleep every night. I’ll put two saplings next to the window. They’ll chat all day with the cherry tree below. Surely, they will laugh a lot about our domestic endeavors.
– Ugh, talking to you is impossible these days. Just send me some photos of the place! I’ll see for myself.
– Alright, fine.